Lab: Battle for Humanity - Search for Common Ground, Oslo, Norway

Search for Common Ground is a non profit in DC. Their mission, in a nutshell, is to end violent conflict around the world. They were in need of a campaign refresh for a global campaign they had been working on. Sounds simple and straightforward but what they didn’t know was what was going to transpire from the 3 day session Oslo.

We partnered with Common, to lead the 3 day the MBA - Maniacal Business Attack. We also reached out to experts in the fields of media, development, other Search employes working around the world to come together and help us explore the bigger questions Search had - about themselves as an organization and about their current campaign. In a sense they started with the basics, for example, what is the difference between a movement vs. a campaign?

After a few long days and a lot of bonding everything they had been discussing came together on the last day - a movement was born.

We had a Lab in November following the Oslo session and brought the team and some experts together to ideate around communication strategies and partnerships.

We’re on our way to making the campaign happen. Stay tuned!


NewsGlobal BrainOslo, Lab, MBAComment